Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a nice three day weekend...

Had a nice weekend...overall. Me and Levi vegged out and watched movies friday night. Slept in... well till 9, later on I dropped him off with grissom for a sleep over as grissom calls it. They stayed at Grissom's dads. Levi said that they had a good time lots of fun, watched some car aution on tv. Im glad it was there and not with me.

I didnt do a whole lot, got take out saturday evening, watched movies and played cards. I really did have a good time, but there are somethings that happen and you just cant help it for you didnt even know. That can just "ruin" everything. Then when no one says anything about it, can make it worse i think. I have nothing to compare it to so cant tell if it was normal or not. I wouldnt tell it anyway. Its all done and over with.

Yesterday I had a nice day with a friend that I hadnt seen in a while we went for a nice long walk in the woods climbed a few rocks nothing fancy. Just really nice to get out of the house. I get so tired of being inside watching movies and tv, feel claustrophobic or something. Believe it or not it didnt feel that cold out. I guess since it had warmed up 15 degrees it was like a heat wave.

Me and Levi took food coloring and colored some icicle last night, I couldnt tell what they looked like this morning on my way in. I hope that they look really neat cause he is wanting to go back and look at them tonight. I am kind of looking forward to it to.

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