Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wonderful Sundays ...bring blah Mondays

Today... well let me see. The boys drove me nuts the two of them fight so much. They rough house with each other then one gets hurt, crys around and I get so tired of hearing it. My 12 yr old is worse then the 3 yr old about making messes, I tell you he is such the slob. I dont know what I am going to do with him. He likes to play the boss to, which he is the oldest and much older at that but he has such an attitude and if I try to make Grissom mind he has to chime in and help me. Which irriates me even more. Enough of my kid I love them but they still drive me nuts.

We were goofing around today and I was taking pictures of them and I hit the format button by mistake and lost all of the pictures:( so bummed but what was worse I couldnt take pictures said there was an error with my memory card. I kept messing with it and did the format thing again...what the heck already lost good pictures... anyway it works now. I would like to have a new camera but cant afford one right now.

We took a late afternoon nap. I know I shouldnt do that with a little one especially on a Sunday. But we did and he is still running strong. Wish I had some baby asprin I could give him to knock him out. Haha.

I have been sorta bummed this weekend. Someone i thought was pretty special, we sorta had words the other day and I have tried to talk to him since but he is not replying back, I think that is telling me something, maybe he wasnt what he made himself out to be, or what I thought he was. Oh well, I havent time for people that arent who they claim to be, or pout because they didnt get there way.

Im not looking forward to tomorrow. Of course I never do. I hope the week flys by. I am sure it wont. I hope that I can get there on time. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

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