Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What a week it has been ... but it is looking up.

So I have updated my back ground today. I figure I should post something new. It has been over a week since my last post I have been extremly busy.

As you know my little town of Fayetteville was hit with a F3 Tornado and the house we were renting the roof came off the back part of it. So me and the boys had to move. We moved only five miles away into a much smaller place. But we are getting used to it, my oldest has already made new friends andd I am liking that it is much cheaper for us. I was little worried at first, but when you move and all your stuff is in boxes and just brought in and sit anywhere, because thats what its like when you move. We have some kind of order now, lots still to do but it is atleast put away out of site for now. Moving is alot of hard work I had lots and lots of good people to help me!!! I wouldnt have gotten as far as I have without it.

Grissom will be home tomorrow night and he will be with me and his big brother for our time together for awhole week. Those weeks seem like forever when he isnt here. We dont have anything major planned for the weekend. If it is windy we will go fly our kites and just have a good time. The movie Twlight comes out at midnight friday night and we will be there to get it...if we make it that long. I dont know why if we stay up to go pick it up at wal-mart, there will be know way I will be able to stay awake and watch it when we get it home. But it sounds like fun anyway.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I'm glad you blogged!! Ive missed it =)