Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mid - Week...

Well, its the middle of the week I am so happy about that I have another lazy weekend coming up...ok, not completly lazy but lazy for me I will "clean" my house and do laundry then its on the couch with a good movie. I cant wait. (( Gosh the guy in my office behind me smacks his mouth when he eats and nothing irritates me more.. I am clinching my teeth right now just not to say keep it shut when you eat, slob!!!!))

The boys have been wonderful this week. I have gotten help from levi picking up the house and not many fights between them. Grissom Goes back to his dads tomorrow for his week. I tell ya the week he is with me goes so fast and the week that he is gone goes so slow, it feels so so much longer than a week.

I think I am depressed, its either weather, or something else. But I am in some kind of fog and cant get out of it, all I want to do is sleep or lay around not be bothered by anything, just isnt like me. I dread the phone ringing or someone showing up at my house, for fear i will have to listen to someone or entertain them, and act like I care. Gosh, I dont know what it is but I am not liking it.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Must be winter cause I feel the exact same way!! People's eating habits is the biggest pet peeve of mine. It's just gross!!!